Membership Benefits
98% of membership dues go towards hiring Dallas Police Department officers to exclusively patrol our neighborhood in DPD patrol cars for high visibility, resulting in an increased police presence and a reduction in crime.
MHCW police officers will respond immediately to 911 calls and home burglary alarms when on duty and not helping someone else.
A dedicated voicemail number allows members to leave messages for the MHCW police officers.
MHCW police officers will check on your home when you are on vacation or away for an extended period.
Our MHCW police officers have been in Midway Hollow for many years and are our neighborhood experts.
MHCW police officers have your contact information in case they see something out of order at your home.
Members receive a Midway Hollow Crime Watch yard sign to discourage would-be thieves and offenders.
Monthly newsletter with crime statistics, crime prevention tips and tricks from our ENP police officers, and neighborhood announcements from our board members are delivered.
Crime alerts from our MHCW police officers are emailed when an especially serious or time-sensitive threat is identified.
Midway Hollow Crime Watch dues are only $350* per year or $250* for Seniors (65+). 6-month billing options also available.
For more details, please download the Midway Hollow Crime Watch flyer or sign-up today by clicking the “Sign-up” link at the top of the page.
*Excludes Overhead fee added so your base dues maximize police patrol hours vs pay for general overhead fees like accountant fees, payroll fees, website fees, etc.